List Your Car With Us
For the first time in South Africa, list your premium car with absolute piece of mind and earn outstanding returns far beyond other asset classes
Unparalleled Returns Far Exceeding Property
Its a known fact that yields on property in Cape Town range from 5-8%, with our service you can earn an annual return of between 15% and 50% on the value of your vehicle. For example for a vehicle with a book value of R1 million - its possible to earn between R150 000 and R600 000 annually depending on occupancy.

We've Got You Covered
Our comprehensive insurance covers your vehicle in the event of accidental damage, loss, theft or write-off. We take extensive measures to prevent accidents but in the unlikely event that something happens -we'll handle everything and make sure that damage or loss is covered.
We Know Who's Behind the Wheel
Before renting any vehicle on our platform, renters go through a strict background check and vetting process. We perform biometric checks to ensure renters are who they say they are and screen all renters before allowing them behind the wheel of your car.

We'll Always Keep an
Eye on Things
On an optional basis renters driving can be tracked to ensure your car is driven with the utmost care. If a renter exceeds the speed limit or drives erratically, the driver is warned and risks losing his deposit if multiple infractions are recorded.
Care Ensured Through Shared Risk
All of our vehicles require sizeable deposits depending on the value of the vehicle Studies show that renters are far less likely to abuse a vehicle if they stand to lose a sizeable deposit.

A bespoke rental experience
As part of our rental services, we offer a bespoke rental experience where we handle all communications with renters and can assist with organising vehicle drop-off, concierges or airport collection.

So How Does it Work?
Contact Us to
Arrange a Sit-down Consultation
Give us the details about your vehicle and we'll set up meeting to sit down with you and go through the contract and tell you how eveything works.
Choose when your vehicle is available and who can rent it,
Once your car is on the platform you choose when its available and you have the final say if you wish to accept a booking from a renter. You can still use your car at any time between rentals.
Drop it Off & We'll take Care of the Rest
On the day of the rental, you drop the vehicle off at our premises or we can arrange to have to collected for a fee, both parties check its condition and we then hand over the vehicle to the renter.
Calculate the Expected Rental for my Vehicle
Daily ental rates vary between 0.55 - 0.7% the current book value of your vehicle
Current Book Value
Expected Daily
Rental Rate
Between R 3 000 - R 10 000 per day

Contact Us About Listing Your Vehicle
Cape Quarter Shop 103C -1st Floor
27 Somerset Rd, Green Point,
Cape Town, 8005
083 556-4717 / 066 213-1503